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Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the Spring term! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break. It’s hard to believe how quickly the Autumn term flew by.

This term promises to be both busy and exciting, filled with plenty of engaging learning experiences. Our new topic, Land Ahoy!, focuses on pirates. It’s a thematic unit combining science and geography. In science, we’ll explore movement, speed, and sound, linking these concepts to a pirate’s journey across continents and oceans. To bring the topic to life, we’ll enjoy a special pirate-themed day!

In English, we’ll focus on improving sentence cohesion, handwriting, punctuation, and correct tense usage. We’ll start by retelling the journey of Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs.

In Maths, we’ll continue our mastery journey, focusing on multiplication and division, as well as reinforcing number knowledge in Mastering Number. We’ll revisit the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), applying these skills to word problems and mental arithmetic in preparation for Spring SATs.

In Science, we’ll study Animals Including Humans, learning about offspring growth, survival needs, and how humans stay healthy. We’ll use observation, measurement, and inquiry to explore these topics.

Homework will alternate weekly between Maths and English, reinforcing what has been taught in class. Spelling practice, linked to phonics, will be sent home every Friday, with a test the following Friday. Reading books will also be updated regularly, and I thank you for supporting your child with reading and homework.

P.E. will continue on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure your child’s kit is correct and labeled.

The Year 2 pupils had an incredible Autumn term, working very hard, and I’m excited to continue this fantastic progress. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Cooper


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 Curriculum Overview

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