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Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful, well-rested Christmas break. Please find a brief overview of the learning taking place in Class 3 during the Spring term.

In Science, we will be learning about plants, specifically the functions of different parts of flowering plants, requirements for plant life and growth, and the part flowers play in the life cycle. Class 3 are time-travelling to Ancient Greece in our “Athens VS Sparta” topic – a thematic unit with a key focus on History where pupils will be exploring Greek culture, mythology, and conflict. In English, pupils will be writing a character description on, ‘The Iron Man’, using expanded noun phrases, similes, and other taught features; eventually progressing onto a non-chronological report on ‘Nims Island’. As mathematicians, pupils will begin the spring term learning about unit and non-unit fractions, with a focus on how to identify, write, compare and order fractions as well as adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator within one whole.

PE sessions now take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday. A reminder to please ensure that PE kit is always in school. If you do wish to purchase new PE kit, this can be purchased from the school office.

Children are still expected to complete a reading journal activity of their choice after every book. Children should aim to complete at least one reading journal activity per week. Additional creative homework will be given out weekly on Fridays (purple book) and spellings weekly on Mondays.

Thank you for your continued support – it is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Kindest regards,

Miss Morris

Class 3 Teacher


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 Curriculum Overview

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